
OANN Bucks Trend: Will Not Support Belligerent Trump-Hating Jackass Jim Acosta and CNN in Lawsuit Against White House

- November 16, 2018

OANN came out on Thursday and announced the conservative television channel will not support belligerent Trump-hating buffoon Jim Acosta and CNN in their lawsuit against President Trump and the White House.

“White House briefings are a mainstay of any Presidency. I’ve covered lots of them but I never caused a scene there. When one reporter is disruptive it detracts from every other news outlet there. The American people and the First Amendment aren’t well-served by Acosta’s antics and this sends the right signal about ground-rules, decorum, a mutual respect,” OANN reporter Jack Posobiec told The Gateway Pundit.

CNN believes any unhinged, rude hack has the right to shout down the president, hijack a press conference and push around female interns.

The network stands by Acosta’s behavior and is suing the White House to get his hard pass back.

Yesterday FOX News joined CNN in the protest.

Today One America News Network released a statement saying their would not support CNN’s lawsuit or Jim Acosta’s bullying behavior.

OANN will file an Amicus Brief in favor of the White House.

“WE are going to file in the CNN vs White House court an Amicus Brief in favor of the White House. Acosta’s actions are stopping our people from getting their questions answered, so that we can give our audience the real news direct from our President,” OANN CEO Robert Herring wrote on Twitter.

In a followup tweet, Herring lamented that he “can’t believe Fox is on the other side, but they have direct communication to the President. We are lucky if we get a five minute interview once a quarter.”

Meanwhile, the same hacks who are screaming about a “free press” on behalf of CNN previously blocked The Gateway Pundit and Breitbart News from obtaining Senate press credentials.

The post OANN Bucks Trend: Will Not Support Belligerent Trump-Hating Jackass Jim Acosta and CNN in Lawsuit Against White House appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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