
Border Patrol Just Intercepted 2 More MS-13 Members & a Child Molester; All Were Previously Deported

- Desember 23, 2018



In the last week alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection have caught at least two more MS-13 gang members, along with a couple of sex offenders, all of whom were previously removed from the U.S.

The four were caught separately, and all had had previous encounters with Border Patrol.

One of the sex offenders — captured Wednesday — was convicted in 2012 of sexually fondling a child. The 25-year-old was sentenced to 255 days and deported in 2013.

Begun in El Salvador, MS-13 is the most dangerous gang in North America, having killed more non-gang members than any other criminal organization. They’re particularly known for their murderous use of machetes.

As for Tuesday’s MS-13 Honduran, he faces a maximum of 20 years in prison for reentry after deportation.

Related, on Friday, the Supreme Court put the kibosh on a proposal to ban the asylum claims of people who enter the country illegally. Justice Kavanaugh sided with the ban.

Meanwhile, the battle over security rages via a government shutdown (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here).

Much debate has raged over who, exactly, is sneaking into the U.S., and I understand the GOP’s efforts to expose the criminal element that’s coming across. However, it seems to me, the entire conversation is a distraction. A better focus is on the fact that no one should be coming into the country without us knowing who they are. You don’t allow the general public into the bank vault, based on the idea that most won’t take any cash. And you shouldn’t let a general populace sneak in, predicated upon most not being criminals. We have a way of keeping track of immigrants, and it’s called “immigration” (in the correct sense of the word — here and here). But that system is a joke, until we plug up the holes at the border. Until then, along with families coming in to better their future, we’re going to absorb people who have molested, raped, and murdered. And who are ready to rinse and repeat. That isn’t my attempt to fearmonger; it’s simply a statement of fact. We have a better chance of keeping the bad people out if we can document the good people coming in.

And that method, despite the abuse of language by the Left, is called immigration.


Relevant RedState links in this article: hereherehere, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here

See 3 more pieces from me: hug church, Rose McGowan, and the health & safety of illegal aliens.

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