President Trump and lovely First Lady Melania Trump surprised US troops in Iraq Wednesday with a post-Christmas visit to Al Asad Air Base.
Fake news NBC and vile leftists attacked the President this week claiming he’s the first US President not to visit troops during Christmastime since 2002.
As usual, the fake news media was wrong.
Not only did President Trump visit the troops, Melania Trump joined him making her the one of the few First Ladies to enter a combat zone.
MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin slammed President Trump Wednesday just before it was announced he landed in Iraq.
“Trump becomes the first president since 2002 not to visit troops at Christmastime,” Trump-hating Kyle Griffin tweeted.
Trump becomes the first president since 2002 not to visit troops at Christmastime.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 26, 2018
Montel Williams joined in on the Trump-bashing.
Instead of visiting the troops, @realDonaldTrump has: Crashed the stock market, gone to war with Jim Mattis, delivered a nice Christmas gift to Vlad (Syria) and presided over an “immigration policy” that has killed two kids in a week…
Instead of visiting the troops, @realDonaldTrump has: Crashed the stock market, gone to war with Jim Mattis, delivered a nice Christmas gift to Vlad (Syria) and presided over an “immigration policy” that has killed two kids in a week…
— Montel Williams (@Montel_Williams) December 25, 2018
Far-left actress Alyssa Milano pounced on President Trump.
Trump becomes first president since 2002 not to visit troops at Christmastime.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 26, 2018
NBC producer Dafna Linzer attacked President Trump on Christmas.
Linzer’s tweet is still up and it has almost 9,000 ‘likes’ and almost 5,000 ‘retweets’ — this is how fake news is spread — the damage is done and barely anyone sees the retraction/correction.
Trump is 1st president since 2002 not to visit troops anywhere at Christmastime. By @elysepg
— Dafna Linzer (@DafnaLinzer) December 25, 2018
NBC finally issued an Editor’s correction to its story.
Editor’s note: On Wednesday, a day after this article was published, President Trump made a surprise visit to Iraq to greet U.S. troops. It was his first presidential visit to a combat zone.
Liberals tried to spin the news President Trump made a surprise visit to Iraq by saying he was just there to use the troops as a prop.
The post Fake News Media Eats Crow After Reporting, ‘Trump Becomes First US President Since 2002 Not to Visit Troops at Christmastime’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.