
Plagued by Anti-Semitism, Chicago Cancels Women’s March as the Stomach Turns

- Desember 26, 2018



As I’ve covered previously (here, here, here, and here), the Women’s March is in trouble: allegations of anti-Semitism abound, and one leader insists she was ousted because of it.

Now, more news: As per board member Sara Kurensky, Chicago’s rally — originally set for the same day as the protest in Washington — won’t be happening:

“There’s no march, there’s no rally. We’re going to provide ways for people to organize and take action in their local communities.”

For Jewish former leader Vanessa Wruble, a march will happen, but by her now-alternative organization March On.

Because, as time marches on, the Women’s March, apparently, is contorting and dissipating.

In addition to heat from celebrities disassociating from the march due to the anti-Jewish hoopla (here), and Vanessa getting the boot, Tablet magazine ran a piece (“Is the Women’s March Melting Down?”) claiming the March’s Carmen Perez and Tamika Mallory excoriated a Jewish woman over her people bearing “a special collective responsibility as exploiters of black and brown people” and the fact that they “were proven to have been leaders of the American slave trade.”

Good grief.

Identity politics, by all means: Eat your own.

They certainly do.

It’s only logical — if all people are defined solely by their group identity, and if most groups are victims, then it stands to reason that most groups may be able to accuse most other groups of subjugating them in some way at some point in time.

And so, bon appétit!

But at some point, all the eating’s gonna bring on some powerful indigestion. And in that stomach-stammering stupor, the left-wing ideology is likely to go to crap.

The Chicago Women’s March already issued a statement distancing itself from the national leadership:

No universe exists in which it is acceptable to support anti-Semitic statements. Women’s March Chicago condemns bigotry in all its forms. We reject Minister Louis Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ views. Our work is to fight against social and racial injustice everywhere, no matter its source. … As an additional point of clarification, and as many of you already know, Women’s March Chicago is not now and never has been affiliated with Women’s March Inc. We receive ZERO funding or organizational support from them and share NO common leadership.

Why did this take so long? The March was headed up, in 2017, by Linda Sarsour, who’s an admitted proponent of woman-trampling Sharia Law (here).

In fact, how was there ever a march in the name of women by such a character?

This is what happens when people respond emotionally rather than intellectually. Now, to quote Beaver Cleaver, they’ve “got a headache in [their] stomach.”

The toilet beckons.


Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, herehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: MS-13 crossing the border, gay Barbie, and a nut.

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