
Failed Georgia Candidate and Tax Delinquent Stacey Abrams to Deliver Dems’ SOTU Response

- Januari 30, 2019

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) revealed on Tuesday that failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams will deliver the Dems’ response to the State of the Union address.

The Dems’ response will air shortly after President Trump delivers his SOTU speech on February 5th.

“A reliable source tells me that Chuck Schumer called STACEY ABRAMS three weeks ago to ask her to deliver the Democratic response to the State of the Union,” said MSNBC reporter Chris Hayes.

“Donald Trump is the warmup act for the real deal: Stacey Abrams,” Schumer said in an interview. “She’s an amazing person with an amazing story.”

On Monday afternoon, Speaker Pelosi invited President Trump to deliver his State of the Union address from the House Chamber on February 5th, 2019.

“When I wrote to you on January 23rd, I stated that we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has reopened to schedule this year’s State of the Union address.”

“In our conversation today, we agreed on February 5th,” Pelosi wrote.

“Therefore I invite you to deliver your State of the Union address before a Joint Session of Congress on February 5, 2019 in the House Chamber.” Pelosi added.

Stacey Abrams was defeated in November by Republican Governor Brian Kemp, however she refused to concede because she is a sore loser.

Abrams whined and claimed she lost because of voter suppression even though she lost by over 55,000 votes.

The Georgia Democrat now regularly appears on fake news cable shows repeating over and over again that she lost to Brian Kemp, a racist Republican who actively suppressed black voters in the midterms.

Abrams also owes more than $50,000 to the IRS and about $170,000 in credit card and student loan debt — Abrams claimed she worked out a payment plan with the IRS.

The post Failed Georgia Candidate and Tax Delinquent Stacey Abrams to Deliver Dems’ SOTU Response appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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