
DC Antifa Leader Jose “Chepe” Alcoff Arrested and Charged with Assaulting Two Marines in Philadelphia Mass Beating

- Januari 30, 2019

Two Marine Corps Reservists were attacked, maced and robbed in Philadelphia in November by a mob of Antifa protesters who called the Marines “Nazis” and “White Supremacists,” according to police.

Antifa protesters were countering a so-called conservative “We the People” rally being held that day on Independence Mall. Police said several of the attackers were seen earlier at the protest.

Police reported the Marines were attacked blocks away from the rally by protesters who punched, kicked and maced them and stole a cellphone from one Marine. Police have not stated whether or not the Marines attended the rally.

Philadelphia Police took to social media seeking help in identifying suspects. Detective Paul Guerico posted to Twitter on Monday, “We need your help to identify these individuals responsible for robbing and assaulting 2 military reservists Please contact @PhillyPolice Central Detectives – SIU at 215-686-3047 @PPDFrankBanford @PPD06Dist”

Philadelphia police earlier arrested Antifa leader Tom Keenan in the violent beatings.

The Daily Caller reported:

Washington, D.C. Antifa leader Joseph “Jose” Alcoff, also known as “Chepe,” was arrested and charged with multiple felonies in Philadelphia on Jan. 10 in connection to the Antifa mob attack against two Marines in November.

Alcoff faces 17 charges, including multiple counts of aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, conspiracy and terroristic threats, and one count of robbery while inflicting serious bodily injury.

An affidavit filed in the case reveals that The Daily Caller News Foundation’s reporting on Alcoff’s connection to violent Antifa groups was an integral factor leading to his arrest.

Patriots Are Watching identified Alcoff as the third Antifa goon involved in the Marines attack back in January.

The post DC Antifa Leader Jose “Chepe” Alcoff Arrested and Charged with Assaulting Two Marines in Philadelphia Mass Beating appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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