
Venezuelan Regime’s Supreme Court Freezes Opposition Leader’s Bank Accounts, Imposes Travel Ban on Juan Guaido

- Januari 30, 2019

The Venezuelan Supreme Court blocked opposition leader Juan Guaido from leaving the country and blocked all of his bank accounts.

The court is stacked with Socialist Maduro sympathizers after several years of Marxist rule.

The Venezuelan Supreme Court also blocked all of the self-proclaimed interim president’s bank accounts and financial transactions within the country’s jurisdiction on Tuesday.

The Venezuelan authorities have launched the preliminary investigation into the activities of the country’s opposition leader Juan Guaido, Reuters reported Tuesday, citing a statement of the Venezuelan Supreme Court’s president.

Earlier in the day, the US Department of State certified that Juan Guaido has the authority to take control of some Venezuelan government assets.

The post Venezuelan Regime’s Supreme Court Freezes Opposition Leader’s Bank Accounts, Imposes Travel Ban on Juan Guaido appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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