
Make No Mistake the Mueller Investigation was a Coup Against President Trump and It’s Perpetrators Should Be Treated as Such

- Maret 24, 2019

Guest post by Joe Hoft

We reported in April 2018 that DAG Rod Rosenstein was required by law to ensure Mueller had no conflicts of interest to be Special Counsel – yet there is no way Mueller could have passed a reasonable level of scrutiny!   But then Mueller created an entire team with similar and worse conflicts of interest. These conflicts prove that the Mueller investigation was a coup attempt from the start!

The Special Counsel law requires that the Attorney General or Assistant Attorney General ensure that the appointed Special Counsel has no conflicts of interest. There is no way that Rod Rosenstein could have determined that Robert Mueller had no conflicts of interest and was eligible to lead this special counsel.

A special investigation must be held to request the data related to this assessment and address obvious flaws in approving Mueller!

Article 600.3.b states in part that that – “The Attorney General shall consult with the Assistant Attorney General for Administration to ensure an appropriate method of appointment, and to ensure that a Special Counsel undergoes an appropriate background investigation and a detailed review of ethics and conflicts of interest issues.”

There is no way that Rosenstein could have performed even a cursory conflict of interest review and determined that Robert Mueller had no conflicts of interest.

Mueller is best friends with James Comey who was and is a key player in the FISA and Trump scandals. That alone should have disqualified Mueller from being the Special Counsel. But that is not all. Mueller was the FBI Director during the Uranium One scandal. He even delivered uranium to Russia on an airport tarmac in Europe per Hillary Clinton’s instructions! Any conflict of interest should have disqualified Mueller due to the sensitivity, legal nature and importance of the mandate of the Special Counsel. This was a setup!  This was a coup!

Any investigation into Mueller’s independence and objectivity will no doubt show the corrupt nature of the Mueller Special Counsel from the very start and should put Rosenstein in legal jeopardy for being dishonest in his efforts to appoint Mueller.

But that’s not all. The entire Mueller team had conflicts of interest and we listed the members of the Mueller gang and their conflicts in our post in June 2018.

The accounting profession requires that individuals cannot perform audits where they have a real or perceived conflict of interest. The fact that Mueller team members Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were biased as noted in their text messages but were part of the Mueller team is a real conflict of interest.   The fact that Mueller’s top attorney Andrew Weissmann was involved in the fake Trump – Russia dossier early on is a real conflict of interest (let alone that he was at Hillary’s victory party in November 2016).   The fact that the entire team donated to the Hillary camp is a real conflict of interest.  The fact that DOJ top attorney Bruce Ohr’s wife worked for Fusion GPS is a real conflict of interest at the DOJ as noted in video below.

Watch the latest video at foxnews.com

The standards for the legal profession are so much more stringent than the accounting profession which has very strict standards.  This is one of the reasons the Mueller witchhunt is unconstitutional. Here are some thoughts we shared in September about the unconstitutional Mueller investigation –

The Mueller witchhunt is full of real conflicts of interest let alone perceived conflicts of interest. If the US has a system of justice, the Mueller conflicts of interest will be investigated.  If they are not investigated the US is officially a banana republic.

The Mueller investigation was clearly a coup to take out the duly elected President of the United States.  These conspirators need to be brought to justice!

The post Make No Mistake the Mueller Investigation was a Coup Against President Trump and It’s Perpetrators Should Be Treated as Such appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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