
Hillary Clinton Attacks Mitch McConnell But Stays Silent on Former Aide Mocking the Polio-Afflicted McConnell Stumbling on Stairs

- April 06, 2019

Hillary Clinton attacked  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Thursday over a Democrat campaign reform bill but has posted no comment regarding her 2016 campaign aide Adam Parkhomenko mocking the polio-afflicted McConnell for stumbling on a set of stairs leading up to a stage. Parkhomenko posted the video on Wednesday with the caption, “I’ve obtained new footage of Mitch McConnell standing up for America.”

The video has garnered over two million views. Clinton served in the Senate with McConnell from 2001 to 2009 when she left to become President Barack Obama’s secretary of State.

The 33-years-old Parkhomenko is a long-term Hillary supporter (active since 2003) whose 2009 Virginia delegate primary candidacy was endorsed by former President Bill Clinton. Parkhomenko served in Hillary’s 2008 and 2016 presidential runs. In September 2016 he moved from being the Clinton campaign’s Director of Grassroots Engagement to become the National Field Director for the Democrats, according to Wikipedia.

Wikipedia’s report on McConnell’s bout with polio:

“McConnell’s upper left leg was paralyzed by a polio attack at the age of 2.[2][5] He received treatment at the Warm Springs Institute in Georgia, which potentially saved him from being disabled for the rest of his life.[6] McConnell has stated that his family “almost went broke” because of costs related to his illness.[7]

Parkhomenko reposted the video on Thursday with a goading comment, “Yesterday I posted this new found footage of Mitch McConnell standing up for America. 368,000 views overnight. Mitch McConnell does not want you to let this video get up to 1,000,000 views.”

In response to a critic, TGP alum Ryan Saavedra, Parkhomenko wrote, “Thanks for sharing the video, douchebag. Maybe he fell because it’s hard to walk with your head in his ass. I remember how concerned you were when Hillary was ill. I’m trying to imagine what your guidance counselor said when you said you wanted to be a McConnell/Trump kiss ass.”

While Clinton has been silent on her former aide’s cruel attacks on McConnell, she herself went after McConnell on Thursday, “Mitch McConnell reportedly has no interest in putting the Act up to a vote in the Senate. Kentuckians: If you agree that we need to get money out of our politics and protect the right to vote, make sure he hears from you.”

Hillary also posted a photo Thursday of herself with Cher at a recent concert.

The post Hillary Clinton Attacks Mitch McConnell But Stays Silent on Former Aide Mocking the Polio-Afflicted McConnell Stumbling on Stairs appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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