
Roger Stone and the New York Madam Receive Violent Threats from Antifa Leftists for Appearing at Popular Strip Club

- April 22, 2019

Kelly Weill has never been afraid to associate with radical alt-left “activists,” but Weill seems to have jumped the shark in a recent article about Roger Stone’s appearance at a popular Virginia strip club.

Ms. Weill is no stranger to the popular game of concocting controversy where simply none exists.

One of her favored tools during her time with The Daily Beast is to find obscure alt-left Twitter accounts that claim to be upset about something. This then grows into a widespread amount of “discontent” and “upset” among local activists or community leaders, though nobody but the random Twitter account is ever named or identified.

The latest manufactured crisis from Weill is the claim that an appearance from Roger Stone and the infamous “Manhattan Madam” at the Paper Moon strip club in Richmond, VA is being opposed by “local activists.”

Of course, the only local activist on record in opposition to Stone’s visit is a violent Twitter account linked to Antifa that has promised Paper Moon, Roger Stone and others involved in the visit will “face consequences.”

Calls for violence and profanity laced rants against anyone to the right of Karl Marx litter @TheQueerCrimer account that Weill props up to slam Roger Stone and The Proud Boys, a right-leaning patriotic men’s group that has helped secure events featuring Stone after violent death threats have been discovered from alt-left groups like Antifa.

Weill makes no mention that the account that she is promoting is openly calling for “consequences” for Stone and the event promoters, giving a platform for Antifa and other alt-left groups to incite violence. @TheQueerCrimer has promoted the article following it’s publication on Good Friday, interspersed between tweets referring to all cops as “bastards” and babies as “slimy, grimy, worthless.”

Mike Dickinson, the Projects Director of the Paper Moon is standing firmly behind their decision to host Stone, despite the threats from @TheQueerCrimer who is working in concert with Kelly Weill at The Daily Beast to foment conflict between peaceful club-goers and the historically violent Antifa group that @TheQueerCrimer is linked to.

Dickinson, who politically identifies as a liberal according to The Daily Beast, hilariously called for Antifa to be deported on a radio show promoting the event and said his club would even welcome President Trump if the opportunity were to arise.

Enrique Tarrio, Chairman of the Proud Boys, confirmed to The Gateway Pundit that his organization will be there to support Roger Stone and attendees who are “just looking to have a good time.”

“It’s sad that the alt-left is again looking to create an unsafe environment for peaceful people looking to cut loose. We are monitoring NE-based Antifa activity and private chat groups and will turn over relevant communications to law-enforcement. As always, our goal is to have this remain a peaceful gathering despite efforts by violent alt-left groups that are wanting the exact opposite. Proud Boys also have the added benefit of supporting some big-breasted entrepreneurial ladies if all goes well. It’s a win-win-win.”

The post Roger Stone and the New York Madam Receive Violent Threats from Antifa Leftists for Appearing at Popular Strip Club appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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