
Speaker Pelosi Tells Democrats She Wants to See President Trump “In Prison”

- Juni 05, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told senior Democrats that she wants to see President Trump “in prison.”

This woman is third in line to be president.

According to Politico, Speaker Pelosi met with House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler and other senior House Democrats on Tuesday evening.

Nadler reportedly pressed Pelosi about his committee launching an impeachment inquiry against President Trump and Pelosi pushed back and said rather than impeaching Trump, she wants to see him in prison.

Politico reported:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi told senior Democrats that she’d like to see President Donald Trump “in prison” as she clashed with House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler in a meeting on Tuesday night over whether to launch impeachment proceedings.

“I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison,” Pelosi said, according to multiple Democratic sources familiar with the meeting. Instead of impeachment, Pelosi still prefers to see Trump defeated at the ballot box and then prosecuted for his alleged crimes, according to the sources.

Other Democrats said Pelosi’s comment wasn’t that surprising given her previous criticisms of the president, including saying Trump “is engaged in a cover-up,” that his staff and family should stage an intervention and that the president’s actions are “are villainous to the Constitution of the United States.”

Ashley Etienne, a Pelosi spokeswoman said Pelosi and the chairmen “had a productive meeting about the state of play with the Mueller report. They agreed to keep all options on the table and continue to move forward with an aggressive hearing and legislative strategy, as early as next week, to address the president’s corruption and abuses of power uncovered in the report,” reported Politico.

Other Democrat chairmen such as Schiff and Neal said they weren’t ready to begin an impeachment inquiry because the caucus is isn’t ready to impeach President Trump.

Pelosi previously joked about jailing Trump officials while speaking at a Washington Post Live event.

“We do have a little jail down in the basement of the Capitol,” Pelosi said to audience laughter.

“But if we were arresting all of the people in the administration, we would have overcrowded jail situation and I’m not for that,” Pelosi said.

Jail President Trump for what? Defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016?

The post Speaker Pelosi Tells Democrats She Wants to See President Trump “In Prison” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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