
Hah-Hah! Steve Bannon Campaigns with Roy Moore – RIPS Anti-Trump RINO Jeff Flake (Video)

- Desember 06, 2017

Former Trump chief strategist and Breitbart News chair Steve Bannon is on the road this week with Judge Roy Moore a week before his run-off election with ultra-liberal Doug Jones.

On Tuesday Senator Jeff Flake tweeted out his $100 donation to liberal Doug Jones.

Apparently Flake supports open borders, partial birth abortion, raising taxes, sanctuary cities, etc.

On Tuesday night Steve Bannon SLAMMED Jeff Flake at a Roy Moore rally in Alambama.
This was hilarious.

Steve Bannon: Lets talk about Jeff Flake. Did he sign a check today $100 dollars for Jones? What’d he say, put country before party? Come on brother, if you’re going to write a check write a check!

The audience cracked up.

Breitbart.com reported:

Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon blasted Alabama Democratic candidate Doug Jones Tuesday as representing the globalist agenda pushed by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“A vote for Doug Jones is a vote for the Clinton agenda,” Bannon told a crowd at a rally for Republican Judge Roy Moore.

Bannon spoke as, despite accusations of sexual impropriety, Moore has regained a solid lead in the polls a week away from election day. Bannon suggested that this was in part because of Jones’ inability to hide his hard-left agenda.

“Doug Jones is a citizen of Alabama and I respect that, but I can’t believe this brother is running in the state of Alabama with this record,” Bannon said. “It’s amazing, I mean, what planet are you on?”

Bannon noted Jones’ similarities to the failed agenda of the Hillary Clinton campaign — more associated with East Coast elites rather than the sensibilities of the deep South.

“Guns, abortion, immigration, trade – he’s a Clinton globalist,” Bannon said. “You wouldn’t know it by his campaign literature, because he’s trying to avoid all that, he’s trying to avoid 20-30 years of backing the Clinton agenda.”

Read the rest here.

The post Hah-Hah! Steve Bannon Campaigns with Roy Moore – RIPS Anti-Trump RINO Jeff Flake (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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