
Gohmert SLAMS Mueller: ‘He’s Covering Up His Involvement in Uranium One While Trying to Have a Coup Against the President’ (VIDEO)

- Juni 10, 2018

Rep Louie Gohmert (R-TX) appeared on Fox & Friends Saturday to discuss the new amendment that just passed the House calling for an audit of Mueller’s multi-million dollar witch hunt.

Rep. Gohmert said not only is Mueller wasting millions of taxpayer dollars, he’s covering up his own involvement in the Uranium One scandal while trying to have a coup against the President.

Gohmert is one of the few members of Congress speaking the truth about Mueller’s attempted coup and cover up of past crimes.

“He’s wasted money right and left–amazingly he’s hired people like Weissmann that worked with him and Rosenstein in investigating the Russian illegal efforts to obtain our Uranium which they quashed information in order to allow the sale to go through so that Hillary could get the $145 million for her foundation,” Gohmert said. “So it is really outrageous–he’s covering for himself, at the same time he’s trying to have a coup against the President.”


Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) introduced an amendment Friday to audit Mueller’s out-of-control multi-million dollar witch hunt.

The House voted 207-201 to attach the language to a veterans, military construction, and energy and water spending bill that was headed to pass Friday, reported the Examiner.

The Office of Special Counsel released a statement of expenditures last Thursday revealing over $4.5 million has been flushed down the toilet in just a 6 month period hunting Russian ghosts.

This $4.5 million is in addition to the $6.7 million the Special Counsel cost the first five months. Add to that other Department of Justice costs ‘related to Russia’ which brings the figure even higher to what Politico estimates to be $17 million total spent on the Russia probe.

Taxpayers are being punished and forced to pay liberal hack lawyers millions of dollars for the crime of electing Donald Trump to be their Commander-in-Chief.

Not to mention the lives devastated and destroyed by Mueller

Just like Tom Fitton always says, “Shut it down!”

The post Gohmert SLAMS Mueller: ‘He’s Covering Up His Involvement in Uranium One While Trying to Have a Coup Against the President’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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