
Past Tweets Come Back to Haunt NY Times Reporter in Leak Investigation

- Juni 10, 2018

Former Senate Intel Committee aide, James A. Wolfe, 57, was arrested on Thursday after the DOJ conducted an investigation into classified information leaks to reporters.

Wolfe repeatedly lied to investigators about his contacts with reporters and made false statements to the FBI.

The Justice Department also seized New York Times reporter, Ali Watkins years’ worth of phone and email records.

Watkins previously worked for Buzzfeed and Politico as a national security reporter.

New York Times reporter Ali Watkins

According to the NY Times, Ali Watkins was having a romantic relationship with the Senate Intel aide, Wolfe. Some of their communication back and forth took place before she was employed by The New York Times.

Watkins’ old tweets have come back to haunt her.

Watkins sent out a pair of tweets on September 19th 2017 about the Intel Committee being frustrated by the “constant dribble of leaks.”

The NY Times reporter then said it is Trump’s lawyers who are leaking info, blaming the Committee then using it as a pretext not to cooperate.

You just can’t make this stuff up…

These tweets were posted just weeks before damaging articles on Carter Page were published.

It gets better…

Ali Watkins also tweeted about the Netflix show ‘House of Cards’ referring to Zoe Barnes, a young reporter who slept with her much older ‘source,’ a Congressman [Kevin Spacey] in order get exclusive stories.

The best part is Ali Watkins used the hashtag #BadLifeChoice.

Watkins tweeted: I wanted to be Zoe Barnes…until episode 4. Sleeping with your source- especially a vindictive congressman? #badlifechoice #HouseofCards

Watkins also tweeted: So on a scale of 1 to ethical, how does everyone feel about pulling a @RealZoeBarnes for story ideas? #TOTALLYKIDDING @HouseofCards

The ‘House of Cards’ tweets were posted just a few months before Ali Watkins, a young reporter in her 20’s began dating Wolfe, a Senate Intel Aide in his 50’s.

A few weeks ago, President Trump put White House leakers on notice.

“We will find out who they are,” said the President after referring to leakers as “traitors and cowards.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said back in November, “We intend to get to the bottom of these leaks.”

The post Past Tweets Come Back to Haunt NY Times Reporter in Leak Investigation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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