
Attorney General Cracks A Joke And Nancy Pelosi Is Not Amused.

- Mei 16, 2019

This might be why President Trump picked William Barr as the 85th Attorney General of The United States. He knows how to crack a joke.

During the Wednesday festivities held outside at the United States Capitol to commemorate National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day, William Barr and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, had a brief conversation where the A.G. cracked a joke.

According to NBC News

Attorney General William Barr kidded Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday about an impending vote to find him in contempt of Congress.

Barr approached Pelosi, D-Calif., at a National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day event outside the Capitol, shook her hand and said loudly, “Madam Speaker, did you bring your handcuffs?” a bystander told NBC News.

Pelosi — who will be scheduling the contempt vote against Barr before the full House — smiled, and indicated that the House sergeant-at-arms was present at the ceremony should an arrest be necessary, the bystander said. Barr chuckled and walked away.


That Barr just chuckled and walked away must have really ticked her off and I’m sure that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer got an earful right after from the Speaker.

Pelosi, of course, just weeks ago accused Barr of lying to Congress and saying that he should be held in contempt. She had no problem going to the podium and gas lighting anything to do with Barr in order to score some really easy, cheap political points. Good for her.

Yet, when you accuse your political foes of damn near everything under the sun and they respond with a light-hearted but pointed joke at your hyperbole, that is one of the things that makes America awesome. The one thing the left really lacks is a sense of humor and I bet the people who were around and heard that comment cracked up. As long as they were not fans of Pelosi or followers of A.O.C. on Instagram.

Let’s see what zinger the A.G. comes up with when the House votes to hold him in contempt. Hopefully, he does not go the handcuff route again or Alyssa Milano might say the PATRIARCHY is trying to stifle all free speech or something else crazy.

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